Social Care Organisational Charts - Find a freedom of information request


Please could you provide the following information for your Local Authority for the most recent financial year where appropriate:

1. Please provide your adult social care commissioning team org chart.

2. Please provide your children's social care commissioning team org chart.

3. Who is your Head of adult social care?

4. Who is your current case management system provider and what is the current contract end date?

5. Who is your current supplier management software provider and what is the current contract end date?

6. Who is your current brokerage software provider and what is the current contract end date?

7. Do you currently use a provider management system and if so, which one and what is the current contract end date?

8. Do you use a DPS adult social care framework and if so, which one and what is the current contract end date?

9. What, if any, procurement contract(s) do you use to source packages of care?

10. Further to Q9, what are the associated contract end dates, if applicable?


1. Adult Social Care do not have a commissioning team. There are lead commissioners for various client groups and services. These duties are parts of wider responsibilities.

2. Children's social care commissioning team org chart is attached.

3. Glen Garrod

4- 5. Mosaic from Servelec - Existing contract ends January 2024.

6. Lincolnshire County Council's brokerage team use Mosaic as part of their process.

7. Please see the response to question 9.

8. Please see the response to question 9.

9. There are many contracts which are used to source packages of care. These include the Residential Framework Agreement; Homecare Services in Lincolnshire; Home Based Reablement Service; Community Supported Living; Day Care; plus others. Details of all the contracts are available publicly at the Proactis Website. Registration is needed to access the site, but this is free and available to all. Once registered the user will need to access the contract register which contains details of all contracts.

10. All contract end dates are recorded on the Contract Register. Please see question 9 for details of how to access this.

If you would like to see a copy of the attachment sent with this response, please request it from quoting the reference number 3536777.

Reference number
Date request received
1 March 2022
Date of decision
29 March 2022