Empingham Road Site History - Find a freedom of information request


Location: Empingham Road, approximately 200 yards up from where it converges with Casterton Road.

Records of inspections and maintenance for the relevant section of roadway.

1. Confirmation of the date on which this section of roadway was first reported as being in poor condition. (Please include all reporters, not just myself).

2. Confirmation of the date repairs were carried out.

3. An explanation into the time taken from this first report to the date the actual repairs were carried out. And confirmation that this falls within Council policy and procedures.


Please see the attached Site History Report.

If you would like to see a copy of this attachment, please request it from CustomerInformationService@lincolnshire.gov.uk quoting the reference number 2693461.

Reference number
Date request received
9 November 2021
Date of decision
18 November 2021