Dovecote Lane, Haddington LN5 9EF - Find a freedom of information request


1.I would like to request any information to do with Dovecote Lane, Haddington LN5 9EF- and the traffic signs at the ends of the Lane.

a).I would like to see reports/site visits - dates and times, applications, consultations, meetings (minutes), emails, requests, and decisions with regards the NO ACCESS signage at both ends - what criteria had to have been met to deem it a NO ACCESS LANE.

b).Also the date/time/report/emails etc to do with outcome of a site visit that must have taken place - for this comment to be made (see below). Anything with regards the decision made to not put up Pedestrian Safety signs as requested by myself.

The assistant director for highways at Lincolnshire County Council, said last week: "In terms of signage and a footpath along the road, we have surveyed this area and after due consideration taking account of the width, layout, the traffic regulation orders in place and the current signage on site, we are not able to offer any additional physical solutions to the concerns raised."


1a) There is no information available relating to the No Access signage as this was installed many years ago and Lincolnshire County Council have no records of when exactly or why.

b). Lincolnshire County Council does not hold this information.


Reference number
FOI 3425393
Date request received
Date of decision