Full Time Equivalent Health Visitors - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many Full Time Equivalent (FTE) health visitors were employed in your health visiting teams? (Both with and without caseload). Please provide this information broken down by NHS pay band.

2. How many FTE clinical staff (who are not coded as health visitors) were employed in your health visiting teams? (Both with and without caseload). Please provide this information broken down by NHS pay band.

3. How many FTE health visitors only with caseload were employed in your health visiting teams? Please provide this information broken down by NHS pay band.

4. How many FTE clinical staff (who are not coded as health visitors) only with caseload were employed in your health visiting teams? Please provide this information broken down by NHS pay band.


Please find the response in the document attached.

Reference number
Date request received
8 November 2021
Date of decision
16 November 2021