Energy Suppliers - Find a freedom of information request


I would like to request the following under the Freedom of Information Act.

1. For your main building, who is the energy supplier? (Please answer individually for both gas and electric if applicable).

2. Is your main building on a green/renewable energy tariff? (Please answer individually for both gas and electric if applicable).

3. For your main building, what is the name of the energy tariff you are on with the energy supplier? (Please answer individually for both gas and electric if applicable).

4. Do you have any electric vehicles on your fleet of vehicles for staff? If yes, please state how many.

5. Do you have any renewable installations across your buildings that you get a direct supply of energy from?

If yes, please state which of the following you have and any others not listed:

1.Solar panels

2. Solar thermal panels

3. Wind turbines

4. Air source heat pump

5. Ground source heat pump

6.Biomass systems

7. Hydroelectric systems

6. Please state how much was spent in £ on office paper in the last financial year for your main building.

7. Are there any eco-friendly initiatives across your buildings such as green transport for staff, recycling initiatives, etc?

If so, please state them. 


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Electricity – Total Energies Gas & Power Limited Gas – Total Energies Gas & Power Limited

2. Electricity – Yes Gas - No

3. Electricity Tariff = Pure Green

4. Lincolnshire County Council currently do not have electric vehicles as part of the operational fleet. We do however have several staff who have electric vehicles on 'company car' type schemes.

5. Solar panels - Yes

6. The total cost of paper orders for the whole authority, not just main building, for 01/04/2020 to 31/03/2021 is £15,907.29. We are unable to extract the data for the main building only.

7. LCC have a Green Office Champions scheme, all buildings have recycling facilities, and we are in the final stages of developing an internal Travel Plan, which will offer incentives for sustainable transport. 

Reference number
FOI 3370409
Date request received
Date of decision