Expenditure for Public Facing Websites - Find a freedom of information request


I would like to request some information under the Freedom of Information Act.

Specifically, I would like information on:

1. The expenditure in the most recent financial year for public facing websites, ideally including salaried staff.

2. The expenditure in the last five years for public facing websites, including salaried staff if this information is available.


1. The expenditure for 2020/2021 is £168,646.

2. The expenditure in the last five years is:

  • 2016/2017 - £31,460
  • 2017/2018 - £47,210
  • 2018/2019 - £75,460
  • 2019/2020 - £112,468
  • 2020/2021 - £168,646

It is not possible for Lincolnshire County Council to report separately the salaried staff costs. The public facing websites are maintained by the Council's Digital Engagement Team. Colleagues are tasked with maintenance of the websites as part of their daily work and some will carry out more work than others, depending on their salary grade.

The salary bands in the team range on the Council's pay spine from grades six to eight, where a grade eight would carry more responsibility than grade six. Information about the Council's pay structure is found online at Pay Policy Statement.

Reference number
Date request received
22 November 2022
Date of decision
1 February 2022