Pedestrian Related Accidents Caused by Potholes - Find a freedom of information request


I am currently writing a story about pedestrian related accidents caused by potholes.

Would it be possible to obtain some statistics or a relevant statement on the amount of accidents reported, or the amount of claims for compensation that have been made as a result?

I am asking for data that covers the whole of Lincolnshire. The time period I'm looking for is the last two to five years and what I meant by pedestrian related accidents, is accidents where individuals have injured themselves as a result of walking over a pot hole in the road or on the pavement and have reported it or made a claim for compensation.


Lincolnshire County Council only holds details of claim for the last three years.

Pedestrian related claims caused by potholes:

In 2020 there were 20 claims: 13 claims on the foot path and 7 claims on the carriageway.

In 2021 there were 60 claims: 39 claims on the footpath and 21 claims on the carriageway.

In 2022 there have been four claims to date all on the footpath.

Reference number
Date request received
2 February 2022
Date of decision
24 February 2022