Animal Welfare Officers - Find a freedom of information request


1. What type of council is your council?

2. How many officers across all departments deal with animal welfare issues?

3. How many dedicated officers do you have for dealing solely with animal welfare issues (from licensing through to dog warden issues)?

4. How many of those officers have undertaken specific animal welfare-related training for that role?

5. Does your council carry out its own animal welfare enforcement work, work jointly with another council or sub-contract it to another council or a third party?

6. Are you part of a local or regional forum for councils and other enforcement bodies focusing on animal welfare issues and/or sharing knowledge? If so please can you share the name of the forum, the point of contact for it and their email address.


Please find your response attached.

If you would like to see a copy of this attachment, please contact quoting the reference number 3312657.

Reference number
Date request received
1 February 2022
Date of decision
24 February 2022