Decision to Tarmac the Footpath in Broughton Gardens - Find a freedom of information request


Please can you please provide all information relating to the decision to re tarmac the footpath in Broughton Gardens, Lincoln. This should contain all notes, emails, minutes of meetings, costs and contracts in any format, digital and paper.


The footway replacement works at Broughton Gardens has been identified as a viable scheme by the application of a scoring system which enables Lincolnshire County Council to prioritise funding where it can be justified.

This is in line with Lincolnshire County Council’s Highways Asset Management Strategy which aims to allocate resources to gain optimal results.

Analysis of individual footways takes into account the results of condition surveys, network hierarchy, recorded defects and adjacent amenities, and a score is produced as a means of identifying sites where footway replacement will provide value for money. A high score at Broughton Gardens rated it as being one such site.

Reference number
Date request received
2 February 2022
Date of decision
22 February 2022