Public Sector Counter Fraud - Find a freedom of information request


I am conducting research and analysis into Public Sector Counter Fraud as part of my PhD and the formation of a new start-up.

I am making this request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

1.Do you have a fraud investigation department/team?

2. If you don't have a fraud team, who investigates reported case of fraud?

3. How many fraud investigators are there in your team?

4.Can you please list the top 4 most common types of fraud you investigate?

5. Do you investigate any Covid related fraud cases - e.g. business grant, business support, business rates relief or business load fraud cases?

6.Do you release or publish any information about the number of cases you investigate per annum, the value of fraud and their outcomes?

7. How many fraud cases were investigated in 2020 and in 2021?

8. Do you use an electronic case management system to record and manage your fraud cases? If so, which case management system do you use?

9.Do you use data matching to proactively identify potential fraud cases? Which product or service do you use?

10. Do you investigate fraud on behalf of other organisations? Can you please state who?


1. Yes, Lincolnshire County Council do have a team known as Counter Fraud & Investigation Team (CFIT)




a) Procurement card

b) Expense / timesheet claims

c) Mandate Fraud

d) Fraud by false representation

5. Yes, LCC investigate business grant fraud

6. Reported annually via the Audit Committee report in July each year

7. 2020 – 9 cases

2021 – 10 cases

8. LCC use Imp as the case management system

9. LCC use IDEA and Excel for data matching

10. Our District Council clients if commissioned to do so.

Reference number
Date request received
14 February 2022
Date of decision
18 February 2022