Local Offer and Family Information Services Websites - Find a freedom of information request


Could you please advise the following information?

1. Who currently supplies your Local Offer and Family Information Services Websites and who is responsible internally for this?

2. Who currently supplies your Adult Social Care Directory website and who is responsible for this?

3. What platform or system do you use for Education services, including admissions?

4. What system or platform do you currently use to facilitate the EHC assessment, planning and review process and who is the main contact for this area?

a. Do you currently offer 'portal' functionality for families and or other professionals? Including the ability to view or submit information online

5. What Case Management system do you use in Adults Services?

6. What Case Management system do you use in Children's Services?


1. The directory element of the Local Offer is currently provided by Idox Software Limited's Open Objects platform.

Info here: Contract details (due-north.com)

The content element now sits on the county council website, provided by Spacecraft’s Jadu Continuum.

Info here: Contract details (due-north.com) Elizabeth Fish DET – internal contact

2. PPL through Servelec Mosaic contract - Theo Jarratt, Head of Quality and Information

3. Synergy system supplied by Servelec

4.a. The Synergy system has both a portal for schools and another for parents. Parents can apply for a school place or make an application for free school meals. School can view admission applications and see the free school meal status of their pupils. Our council website offers functionality for parents to make an application for their child for entertainment or employment purposes. School can request a fixed penalty notice to be issued to parents and if issued parent s can pay for it online.

5-6. Mosaic system supplied by Servelec for both.

Reference number
Date request received
27 January 2022
Date of decision
10 February 2022