Street Light - Churchgate, Sutterton - Find a freedom of information request


Churchgate Sutterton PE20 2NS,

1) There is a street lamp near the entrance to my property illuminating a designed trip point at the entrance to the public pathway. It has an electrical consumption, stated in Watt. It should be available on the data sheet. That consumption please.

2) Saint Mary's Drive, PE20 2LU. Recently a lamp failed. It was replaced by an LED not intended for the purpose. After this was pointed out, one intended for the purpose was fitted. It is this one I am interested in Consumption in Watts please.

3) On both lamps (and many others) the standard photo-cell has been replaced by a device to include switching off from 00-00 to 06-00 nominal. What is the consumption of this device please?

4) When the back street lamp scheme was installed, it was reported that that it was not completed. Has it now been completed? If not, why not?

5) The scheme did not have the health and safety check, as required by the designers duty of care. A committee of Councillors was set up to correct this matter. Did they ever report? If so can I have a copy of that report please?.


1. 36 Watts

2. 18 Watts

3. 0,25 Watts

4. Assuming the reference to the "back streetlamp scheme" is the conversion of relevant lights to part-night operation, this is complete.

5. In addition to the normal designers' duties being fulfilled as part of the conversion to part-night lighting, an Equality Impact Assessment was completed for the necessary changes to policy to allow this to happen (as attached to this response). In addition, in 2018 a Scrutiny Review considered the impact of part-night lighting in Lincolnshire; the committee's report is also attached to this response. 

If you would like to see a copy of this attachment, please contact quoting the reference number 3328653.


Reference number
Date request received
08 February 2022
Date of decision
14 February 2022