Network Attached Device Configurations - Find a freedom of information request


1. Do you have a formal IT security strategy? (Please provide a link to the strategy)


2. Does this strategy specifically address the monitoring of network attached device configurations to identify any malicious or non-malicious change to the device configuration?


3. If yes to Question 2, how do you manage this identification process - is it:

a. Totally automated - all configuration changes are identified and flagged without manual intervention.

b. Semi-automated - it's a mixture of manual processes and tools that help track and identify configuration changes.

c. Mainly manual - most elements of the identification of configuration changes are manual.


4. Have you ever encountered a situation where user services have been disrupted due to an accidental/non malicious change that had been made to a device configuration?


5. If a piece of malware was maliciously uploaded to a device on your network, how quickly do you think it would be identified and isolated?


6. How many devices do you have attached to your network that require monitoring?

a. Physical Servers

b. PC's & Notebooks


7. Have you ever discovered devices attached to the network that you weren't previously aware of? If yes, how do you manage this identification process - is it:

a. Totally automated - all device configuration changes are identified and flagged without manual intervention.

b. Semi-automated - it's a mixture of manual processes and tools that help track and identify unplanned device configuration changes.

c. Mainly manual - most elements of the identification of unexpected device configuration changes are manual.


8. How many physical devices (IP's) do you have attached to your network that require monitoring for configuration vulnerabilities?


9. Have you suffered any external security attacks that have used malware on a network attached device to help breach your security measures?


10. Have you ever experienced service disruption to users due to an accidental, non-malicious change being made to device configurations?


11. When a scheduled audit takes place for the likes of PSN or Cyber Essentials, how likely are you to get significant numbers of audit fails relating to the status of the IT infrastructure?


1. No.

2. No.

3. Not Applicable – see question 2.

4. Yes.

5. Immediately.

6. a. 109.

b. 7601.

7. Yes - Semi-automated - it's a mixture of manual processes and tools that help track and identify unplanned device configuration changes.

8. 8329.

9. Not in the last 12-36 months.

10. Not in the last 1-12 months

11. Occasionally.

Reference number
Date request received
13 December 2021
Date of decision
01 February 2022