Pothole Damage - Louth Road, West Barkwith - Find a freedom of information request


Regarding the state of the highway (A157 Louth Road, West Barkwith)

1. When did Lincolnshire County Council first become aware of the potholes in the highway which caused the damage to my wheel?

2. How many reports of the potholes did Lincolnshire County Council receive from the public before the repairs were carried out and the dates they received these reports.

3. The date the repairs were carried out to the potholes.

4. Has Lincolnshire County Council paid any damages in relation to these potholes.

5. Did Lincolnshire County Council make any attempt to warn motorist of the danger of these potholes in the highway and if so what form of warning was given and the position of the signs.

To assist me with my claim I also require Lincolnshire County Councils policy for inspecting and repairing its roads and the inspection logs for that part of the A157 for the period between 7th January 2021 and 31st March.2021


1,2,3. If you would like to see a copy of this attachment, please contact CustomerInformationService@lincolnshire.gov.uk quoting the reference number 3086373.

Please see link to the Highways Asset Management plan.

4. Lincolnshire County Council’s insurance team has two potential settled claims for this stretch of road but cannot specifically relate to the potholes in question.

5. There is no indication on the site history report (attached) that we instructed warning signs to be put out for potholes. There is no requirement in policy to give warning of potholes in any form.

Reference number
Date request received
22 December 2022
Date of decision
14 January 2022