Annex 5 of Lincolnshire County Council Street Lighting Policy - Find a freedom of information request


1) Can you tell me the date that "Annexe 5 of Lincolnshire County Council Street Lighting policy" came into force please. What meeting when and who voted?


(2) Can you please explain why there is no reference at all to "street lighting attachments licences" on your website?


(3) Can you please explain why it is not possible to apply for said licenses on your website?


(4) Can you please explain why there is no dated online documentation for Annexe 4 and 5?


(5) Can you please provide a list of ALL Towns and Cities within your Council's area where Applicants / Organisations as defined "2.5 & 2.2" in "Annexe 5" have applied for street lighting attachments licences?


(6) How many Licenses have you granted?


(7) For each case please detail the types of attachments and usages, be they powered or non powered and the COSTS incurred by the aforementioned Applicants / Organisations?


1). Along with the Policy and other Annexes, Annex 5 was considered by the Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee on 21 January 2019. The Committee recommended its adoption to the Executive Councillor for Highways, Transport and IT. The formal decision to adopt it was made by the Executive Councillor on 1 February 2019, which was therefore also the date it came into force. Records of the minutes, Members present and the formal decision are all available through


2). When Lincolnshire County Council Street Lighting Team is approached to consider an attachment to Street Lighting Assets information regarding the prevailing Policy and Process is sent to the customer.


3). There are too many variables involved to allow the process to be done online. The intention is that an applicant has to have a direct interface with the Street Lighting Team in order to proceed, so that all these variables can be given full consideration.


4). This is sent to customers with a covering letter which explains the application process when expressions of interest are received.


5). Since the Policy was agreed in 2019 there have been expressions of interest or formal applications from within the following parish or district areas: - Information is held Branston, Mablethorpe & Sutton on Sea, Sutton Bridge, Grantham, Boston, Horncastle, Lincoln, Burgh le Marsh, Gainsborough, Louth, Market Deeping, Market Rasen, SHDC, SKDC, Skegness, Skellingthorpe, Ruskington, Tattershall, WLD


6). Since the Policy was agreed in 2019 – 9 areas have been granted licenses for multiple column attachment locations.



Type of attachment Powered? Location Total Fee Paid £ (including VAT)
Column Mounted Banner No Market Deeping £150
Column Mounted Banners No Multiple locations in Gainsborough £570
Swarco Mains powered MVD activated LED sign with surface size of 0.29sq m Yes 2 Locations in Branston £480
Column Mounted Banners No Multiple locations in Gainsborough £180
Lincs Police ANPR Equipment Yes Multiple locations Countywide £3000
Battery operated traffic monitoring camera device No Level Crossing in Lincoln £30
CCTV Yes Multiple locations in Horncastle £600
Fly tipping monitoring equipment Yes Various locations in Boston Borough £200 (application ongoing)
CCTV Yes Various locations in Grantham £400 (application ongoing)


Reference number
Date request received
08 November 2021
Date of decision
25 November 2021