Public Rights of Way GIS Data - Find a freedom of information request


A few months ago you responded to my request for a copy of your Public Rights of Way GIS data. Your FOI Reference for this request was 1700017, and the full correspondence can be viewed online.

I'd now like to make a couple of follow-up requests arising from the information you provided there.


1. Do you have a list of the full (possibly historic) parish names that go with each of the 4-letter abbreviations used in the GIS files? If so, could you please provide me with a copy, preferable in a computer-readable electronic form.


2. Could you be a bit more precise about the format of the official names of the Rights of Way?

You gave an example of "Skegness Public footpath No.123" in response to my previous request. Is the type descriptor "Public footpath" as opposed to "Public Footpath" (capital F) or just "Footpath"? What are the descriptors used for the other types of Right of Way? (e.g. "Public Bridleway" vs "Bridleway", "BOAT" vs "Byway Open to All Traffic".) Does the name include the "No.", with the full stop, and is there no space between the full stop and the number? Alternatively, perhaps there is no specific format to be used, and any similar variant would be acceptable.


1. If you would like to see a copy of this attachment, please contact quoting the reference number 3107093.

2. There is no specifically set format for the legal naming of the PROW in Lincolnshire although it is standardised by whole lengths within parishes as opposed to the “segments “approach used for GIS. The standard approach Lincolnshire County Council gives is Parish – Status – No. e.g. Skegness – Public Footpath/Public Bridleway/Restricted Byway/Byway Open to All Traffic – No. 123 There could be any number of permitted variants in informal printed text incorporating lower case or abbreviations (e.g. PF, PB, RB or BOAT) or omitting “public” or without the “.” in the abbreviation for number, however for the purposes of the legal machinery to amend the definitive map and statement the standard approach is used.

Reference number
Date request received
03 January 2022
Date of decision
05 January 2022