Local Authority's Framework Providers - Find a freedom of information request


Please answer the following questions:

1. A list of the Local Authority's framework providers for children services.

2. The name of the lead commissioner for children services at the Local Authority.

3. Please provide the commissioners contact information.


Contact details for the Commissioning Lead for Children's Services Independent Placements: Amy Allcock, Commissioning Manager, amy.allcock@lincolnshire.gov.uk

All Independent placements for Children's Services are made through The Council’s Open Select List (OSL) procurement process.

Providers are invited to join the list annually and once accepted onto the list, will receive all relevant referrals for placements in the first instance. A wider market search will only take place once it is established that Lincolnshire County Council are unable to make a placement with a Provider from the OSL. A list of Providers currently on Lincolnshire County Council's Open Select List is included with this response.

Reference number
Date request received
18 January 2022
Date of decision
31 January 2022