Roadside Verge Cutting - Find a freedom of information request


1. For the same months in 2019 (March - July), how many times did the council mow roadside verges?
2. What was the schedule agreed at the start of the year (2020) for roadside verge cutting?
3. Has the council deviated from this schedule in any way - has more or less cutting than was planned taken place?

By council mowing, I mean when council staff were sent to mow roadside verges. No details of locations are necessary, just the number of times across the county.


1. Twice. The third cut is typically carried out in September/October.
2. The overall programme is as follows:

  • First cut – 27 April – 31 May
  • Second cut – 15 June – 19 July
  • Third cut – 7 September – 11 October

3. The first two cuts have been completed within the window given. In terms of quantity of cutting ~ 4000m2 has been added to the urban cutting since the schedules for 2020 were finalised in March. This is less than 1% of what is cut by LCC Contractors Countywide. These areas are from new developments that have been adopted, areas that were previously cut by residents and businesses and areas of highway verge that were not on our plans.
There have been no additions to the rural cutting.

Reference number
Date request received
21 August 2020
Date of decision
03 September 2020