CRM technology - Find a freedom of information request


Q1 Does your authority use CRM technology to help to deliver services?

IF YES, please answer the following additional questions:

Q2 Can you confirm what channels of service delivery are supported (e.g. telephone contact, on-line self-serve delivery, face to face service delivery)

Q3 What CRM technology do you use? If you do not have a single CRM solution, please list the technologies that you use to provide customer/case management for telephone contact and on-line self service delivery)

Q4 What is the annual cost of your CRM solution/solution components (listed separately)?

Q5 How many users are included in your CRM costs?

Q6 What other technology solutions are used to deliver services? (e.g. booking, paying, outbound communication etc.)

Q7 What systems integrations do you currently have in place with your CRM and what services are supported using these integrations?

Q8 What roles (and how many of each) do you have within your IT team to build services within the CRM (and beyond where you use integration)?

Q9 What roles (and how many of each) do you have within your Customer Services team to support building and improving CRM processes?

Q10 What roles (and how many of each) do you have within your Transformation/Change team to support building and improving CRM processes?

Q11 As a percentage of total organisational transactions, what percentage of transactions are completed on-line/self service?

Q12 Do you have any plans to change your CRM solution(s) in the next 18 months/2 years?

Q13 What technology do you use for your corporate Website?

Q14 Please provide the name and contact details for your Head of ICT (or equivalent) and Head of Customer Services (or equivalent)


1. MS Dynamics (LCC), used internally by Public Health teams to manage COVID outbreaks. Solution supported and maintained by Hitachi Business Solutions. – out of scope of this request as part of central government group. Lagan (Serco – out of scope of this request as part of core contract)

2. Telephone Contact online self-serve delivery

3. LCC use MS Dynamics provided by a third party for the needs of the Track and Trace Service.

4. Serco - Commercially sensitive - as part of core contract

5. 150 accounts for our CRM system

6. ADU – Booking, payment front end, Communication to public Capita AIM – Payment Mosaic – Social Care BWON! – ERP system Dynamics 365 - Covid

7. Confirm Mosaic Fix My Street Power BI Avaya BWON! JADU BizTalk

8. Serco managed- ie, outsourced

9. Serco staff – out of scope

10. Serco managed- ie, outsourced

11.Lincolnshire County Council does not hold this information

12. Serco staff – out of scope

13.Jadu 14.John Wickens 

Reference number
FOI 2752690
Date request received
Date of decision