Flooding in Parsons Lane - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please provide the short term plans for dealing with flooding in Parsons Lane, Alford LN13 BQ, including drain clearing a removal of rubble or debris on the road side
2. Plan for dealing with flooding in the long term to effectively stop the flooding
3. Time lines for when the above will happen.

Note. Flooding started in early October 2021 and it is still occurring


1. Lincolnshire County Council have a live work instruction (job 5629417) to install a new manhole on the line of the drainage system here to give an access point to allow cleansing and inspection of the pipeline. There are currently no short-term plans to remove debris/rubble from the roadside.

2. The above work will allow us to identify if any further work is required, or it may be all that is needed to stop the standing water issue long term. LCC will need to await the outcome of this before this question can be answered.

3. The new manhole is likely to be installed before the end of March, but there is potential for it to take longer as we have a lot of work of this nature and at this location the standing water is not causing flooding issues to properties and is therefore not as urgent as some other sites. 

Reference number
FOI 3141686
Date request received
Date of decision