Responses to Freedom of Information Requests 2019 - 2021 - Find a freedom of information request


Broken down into each of the past five financial years (or as far back as your information goes), please can you provide the below information in relation to Freedom of Information requests.

  1.  Broken down per financial year how many FOI requests have you received?
  2. Broken down per financial year how many FOI requests have you responded to within time?
  3. Broken down per financial year how many FOI requests have you responded to outside of the agreed 20 days without an agreed extension?
  4. Broken down per financial year how many FOI requests have you responded to outside of the agreed 20 days but with an agreed extension?
  5. Broken down per financial year how many full time equivalent (FTE) staff do you employee managing FOIs? If you don't employee any staff directly, who manages your FOI requests received for your organisation?
  6. Broken down per financial year how many FOI requests have you charged for?
  7. Broken down per financial year how much money have you charged for responding to FOI requests?
  8. Broken down per financial year how many complaints have been raised with the Information Commissioners Office relating to FOI requests your organisation has received?
  9. Broken down per financial year how many fines have you received relating to FOI requests?
  10. Do you use a spreadsheet for tracking and managing FOI requests that are received?

1. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) hold records from when the FOI Team moved from a third party provider back to be delivered directly by Lincolnshire County Council:

  • 2019/2020 = 1215
  • 2020/2021 = 858



  • 2019/2020 = 814
  • 2020/2021 = 703


3. LCC does not apply any extensions to FOI requests, so the figures below relate to the total number of requests responded to outside of the agreed 20 day timeframe.

  • 2019/2020 = 357
  • 2020/2021 = 155


4. Please see the response to question 3 above.



  • 2019/2020 = Seven Team members
  • 2020/2021 = Eight Team members

These figures are the number within the Team that work on FOI's, however some of these Team Members are part time or also work on other services being delivered, so the FTE working on FOI's is 3.0FTE


6. Nil


7. Nil



  • 2016 - 2017 = One
  • 2017 - 2018 = Two
  • 2018 - 2019 = Three
  • 2019 - 2020 = One
  • 2020 - 2021 = Three


9. Nill as there are no financial penalties for failure to provide information on request or for failure to publish information under FOIA.


10. No



Reference number
Date request received
29 April 2021
Date of decision
14 June 2021