Proxy Voting Records of the Lincolnshire County Council Pension Fund - Find a freedom of information request


I would like to request some information under the Freedom of Information Act.

Please may you provide me with the proxy voting records of the Lincolnshire County Council Pension Fund for the period of 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2021, made directly by the Fund or the External Voting Manager (please name).

For the avoidance of doubt, I am referring to the investments made by the Pension Fund rather than any electoral voting.

Ideally, I would like to have the following information in electronic format:

  • Name of Issuer.
  • Issuer Identifier e.g. Ticker or CUSIP.
  • Date of Shareholder Meeting.
  • Type of Shareholder Meeting (Annual, Special etc.).
  • Proposal No.
  • Proposal.
  • Proposer (Management / Shareholder).
  • Vote cast by Lincolnshire County Council Pension Fund.
  • Entity responsible for vote decision (Internal/external asset manager (if external, please name) / proxy voting advisor (ISS, Glass Lewis etc.).

Please, if possible, would the full voting data be provided, rather than just the voting against management.

In addition, please indicate whether the Lincolnshire County Council Pension Fund has its own proxy voting policy or whether you use that of an external manager (please provide name).


Lincolnshire Pension Fund no longer has any directly held equities, all equity holdings are now via pooled funds.

Therefore, The Council does not do any voting, either directly or via an external voting manager.

However, it does monitor the voting done by its managers and report on these to The Council’s Pensions Committee each quarter. Minutes of these meetings are published online at Lincolnshire County Council's Committee details - Pensions Committee website.

The most recent such update, for the quarter July-September 2021, is published at Lincolnshire County Council's Agenda for Pensions Committee website.

Reference number
Date request received
05 January 2022
Date of decision
12 January 2022