Home Guard Records - Find a freedom of information request


With reference to item LCNST : 2932.7 listed on webpage 'Lincs to the past' (https://www.lincstothepast.com/trunk/453049.record?pt=S) (description: small tin trunk containing Stamford Home Guard record cards), the webpage gives no indication of which museum actually holds these records.

Please could you confirm where this item is stored and how I may arrange access to inspect it in order to conduct some historical research


The Home Guard records are held in our museum store in Stamford. Access is by appointment (the enquirer can contact me directly at sara.basquill@lincolnshire.gov.uk to arrange this).

As the stores are not manned a member of the Collections Development Team, based in Lincoln, make one trip per month to do a collections check and facilitate any collection access requests.

Our December visit is fully booked, the next available slot will be in January.

Reference number
Date request received
08 November 2021
Date of decision
12 November 2021