Transport Services - Social Care - Find a freedom of information request


Can you please provide me with information on the following category of service (a category of service would be classed as an area of business within the Council, for example Transport or Social Care):

1) Does the Local Authority currently operate any form of supplier framework (a supplier framework would be classed as a list of enrolled and accredited companies or individuals that provide goods or services to the Local Authority) for:

a. SEN Transport

b. Home to School

c. Taxi Services

d. Transport for Adult Care


2) If the Council does operate a supplier framework, how many suppliers are listed on the framework?:

a. SEN Transport

b. Home to School

c. Taxi Services

d. Transport for Adult Care 


3) How many transport routes are there?

a. SEN Transport -

b. Home to School -

c. Taxi Services -

d. Transport for Adult Care


4) What is the volume of people using the transport service either monthly or over an academic year?

a. SEN Transport -

b. Home to School -

c. Taxi Services -

d. Transport for Adult Care


5) Do you use technology to monitor passenger usage of the transport service?

a. SEN Transport -

b. Home to School -

c. Taxi Services -

d. Transport for Adult Care


6) If yes to the previous question; What is the technology and its renewal date?

a. SEN Transport -

b. Home to School -

c. Taxi Services -

d. Transport for Adult Care


7) What is the value of the transport service spend for the following?

a. SEN Transport

b. Home to School

c. Taxi Services

d. Transport for Adult Care


8) What is the volume of spend identified/ recovered from 'Ghost Routes' for the pervious Academic Year? A Ghost Route is a service that has been commissioned but has no service recipients.

a. SEN Transport -

b. Home to School -

c. Taxi Services -

d. Transport for Adult Care



a. SEN Transport – Approved Operators list is used; this will be replaced by a DPS (Dynamic Purchasing System) in due course.

b. Home to School – Approved Operators list is used; this will be replaced by a DPS (Dynamic Purchasing System) in due course.

c. Taxi Services – not recorded as a separate category.

d. Transport for Adult Care – Approved Operators list is used; this will be replaced by a DPS (Dynamic Purchasing System) in due course.


2. There are currently 298 suppliers on our Approved Operators list, we do not record them by type. All suppliers are sent all tender information via Pro-Contract or Email Requests (Short Term Quotes).


3. Information as at 05-11-2021 and includes Private Travel arrangements.

a. 431 (Plus 16 One School One Provider Contracts, these contracts are where a single transport supplier provides all vehicles into a particular establishment)


c. d.100


4. Passenger numbers as of 05 November 2021



c. not recorded as a separate category.



5.a-d. yes


6. Mobisoft Travel Centre (MTC) provide by DDS Wireless International Incorporated. Contract renewal is 13 January 2024


7. Costs for Financial Year 2020/2021are as follows:

a. £12,990,927.07

b. £17,053,340.29

c. Not separately costed

d. £846,755.65


8. Review of contracts is undertaken constantly, and contracts are ended if not required. No information is recorded on “Ghost Routes”

Reference number
Date request received
02 November 2021
Date of decision
11 November 2021