Tier 2 Weight Management Service - Find a freedom of information request


I would like to please request the following information with regards to your Tier 2 weight management service, if applicable:

1.How many patients do you currently have on your waiting list?

2.How many patients have you referred in the last 12 months?

3.Is the service you offer commissioned in collaboration with the local CCG?

4.If you do not have a tier 2 weight management service, then please reply saying so.


1. We have 9 clients waiting to start on the 'Lose Weight with One You Lincolnshire' course that starts next week.

2. There have been 3,162 clients start on Tier 2 AWM program over the past 12 months through our commissioned Integrated Lifestyle Service.


4. N/A as Lincolnshire County Council do provide this service.

Reference number
Date request received
02 November 2021
Date of decision
10 November 2021