Coronavirus Fire and Rescue Precautions - Find a freedom of information request


I would like to raise an FOI regarding the fire service.

Tonight, in my village we had the fire brigade and their collectors blaring music out and blocking the road while collecting money in buckets.

1. I would like to know what precautions the fire brigade takes to prevent the spread of this deadly disease?

2. Why are these firemen not wearing masks and using sanitiser everywhere they go?

3. How are they decontaminating these donations "However small" to stop the spread of the omnicrom thing?

4. Why when the council and government are still pushing the stay at home be safe malarkey are these people out and about in taxpayers vehicles trying to get folk out of their houses to potentially spread more covid?

5. Have the fire brigade got a license to collect money?

6. Are the fire brigade insured for this type of usage?


1. Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue are a service not a Brigade. The service has a number of control measures which are risk assessed and updated in line with relevant National and Local guidance. This depends on the activity that is taking place at the time and the levels of contact they are exposed to.

2. This is assessed against the risk, at the time.

3. In line with guidance outlined in the risk assessment.

4. The appropriate guidance was followed during the time of the collections. Please see example of a risk assessment developed and shared.

5. Yes, Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue apply every year.

6. Yes.

Reference number
Date request received
20 December 2021
Date of decision
10 January 2022