Electric Vehicle Charge Points in Public Car Parks - Find a freedom of information request


These questions relate, specifically to council owned public car parks:

1. Do the council currently have any electric vehicle charging points installed throughout their public car parks?

2. If no, are the council looking at deploying electric vehicle charging points and if so what are the timescales involved?

3. If yes how many and what capacity i.e. 7kW, 22kW, 50kW etc. Please provide a breakdown per location.

4. Who is the manufacturer of the charge points installed?

5. When were the charge points installed?

6. When does the existing contract expire?

7. Are the council looking to increase the number of EV bays available at their public car parks and what will be the determining factor as to when this takes place? The questions relate, specifically, to the council offices, depots and other staff based sites.

8. Do the council currently have any electric vehicle charging points installed throughout their offices and depot facilities?

9. If no, are the council looking at deploying electric vehicle charging points and if so what are the timescales involved?

10. If yes how many and what capacity i.e. 7kW, 22kW, 50kW etc. Please provide a breakdown per location.

11. Who is the manufacturer of the charge points installed?

12. When were the charge points installed?

 13. When does the existing contract expire?

14. Are the council looking to increase the number of EV bays installed available at their offices and depot facilities and what will be the determining factor as to when this takes place? These are general questions that relate to the council strategy with regards to the deployment of electric vehicle charging infrastructure:

15. Do the council have a dedicated electric vehicle charging strategy? If yes please either provide a copy or direct me to where this can be downloaded/viewed.

16. Which departments within the council are responsible for the deployment of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, if more than one please list them.

17. Who are the primary contacts within each department, name and job title is sufficient.


1. No.


2. No.


3. Not Applicable.


4. Not Applicable.


5. Not Applicable.


6. Not Applicable.


7. No.


8. There are currently 9 charger points installed across the centrally managed property estate. There are currently 6 points installed across the Economic Infrastructure Portfolio, at a range of commercial premises.


9. Not Applicable.



  • County Offices, Newland, Lincoln – 2No x 22kW wall mounted charger points
  • Blue Light, South Park, Lincoln – 3 No 2 x 7.2kW charger points, 1 No 1 x 7.2kW charger point
  • Hoddins Way Business Park, Long Sutton – 1 Dual Charge Post 7kw
  • Aura Business Centre, Skegness - 1 Dual Charge Post 7kw
  • Caistor Magistrates Court, Caistor - 1 Dual Charge Wall Mounted 7kw
  • Wyvern House, Lincoln - 1 Dual Charge Post 7kw
  • Mercury House, Gainsborough - 1 Dual Charge Post 7kw
  • Eventus, Market Deeping - 1 Dual Charge Post 7kw


11. Pod Point, Rolec and Chargemaster.


12. County Offices - 2016, South Park – 2018 Others - 2013 and 2014


13. No contracts.


14. Yes, this will be reviewed as part of the Councils travel plan which is currently being developed. There is currently exploratory work happening for updating and installing extra point at Economic Infrastructure managed sites.


15. No.


16. Corporate Property. Economic Infrastructure for their own Portfolio of sites.


17. Andy Fenn – Head of Facilities Management. Simon Wright-Principal Officer - Regeneration.

Reference number
Date request received
29 October 2021
Date of decision
04 November 2021