PCR Tests Sent to Immensa Laboratory, Wolverhampton - Find a freedom of information request


1.How many PCR tests from the Lincoln City Council's area 1 September 2021-15 October 2021 inclusive have been sent to the laboratory in Wolverhampton run by Immensa?

2.How many of these test returned a positive result and how many negative? (I assume the remainder inconclusive - if not, please reveal what they were/how many were what result?)

3.How many of the negative PCR had reported having a positive lateral flow before seeking the PCR test?


Lincolnshire County Council does not hold this information, but it may be held by UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) who can be contacted at informationrights@UKHSA.gov.uk.

Reference number
Date request received
27 October 2021
Date of decision
10 November 2021