Driver Contracts - Find a freedom of information request


We are looking at contracts to hand back in due to the current driver situation. To minimise this I would appreciate a bit of information to assist making the discussions.

FOI Request;

1. 7230 - Previous awarded daily rate and date of award (I Thinks Marks ran this before?)

2. 6919 - Previous awarded daily rate and date of award (I believe this was AC Williams before?)

3. 1373 - When awarded to us, what was the lowest price, not including our bid.

4. 9412- When awarded to us, what was the lowest price, not including our bid.

5. 9413 - When awarded to us, what was the lowest price, not including our bid.

6. 9199 - When awarded to us, what was the lowest price, not including our bid.


1. Contract 7230 - Did not exist previously.

2. Contract 6919 - £1050. Date of award 03/07/2019.

The 4x contracts below received various composite bids as well as single bids. For comparison, the Council have used the single bid price (excluding those received from Black Cat Travel Ltd) for this FOI response.

3. Contract 1373 - £1097.50.

4. Contract 9412 - £898.

5. Contract 9413 - £1050.

6. Contract 9199 - £1100

Reference number
Date request received
29 September 2021
Date of decision
04 October 2021