Mitchell v Lincolnshire County Council - Find a freedom of information request


1. Can you please provide the total cost to Lincolnshire County Council defending the pothole claim Mitchell v Lincolnshire County Council on 15/09/21 at Lincoln county court.

The council ignored a settlement offer of £310 in February 2020 yet were ordered by the court to pay more than double that amount.

2. This total cost to include FOI requests and time spent by legal department please.

This is taxpayers money being used for this so very much in the public interest how the money is wasted following admitted negligence by the council.


Lincolnshire County Council does operate an internal charging mechanism for its inhouse Legal Team and therefore does notionally have a means of valuing the time its in-house legal team spent on the case. The value attributed to that time on this case was £1,964.77. This however was not a cost incurred by Lincolnshire County Council, as the in-house team is employed by Lincolnshire County Council.

Reference number
Date request received
17 September 2021
Date of decision
15 October 2021