Supported Living for Adults with Complex Needs - Find a freedom of information request


I am writing to make an open Government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would like to know information on the following:

1. Is there a framework in place for the provision of Supported Living for adults with Learning Disabilities / Autism, Mental Health, Complex, Needs within your council.

2. If so, can I have a list of all providers who are on this framework? 3. May I have details of how our provision can be added to this framework?


1. Yes

2. The link, which is publicly available, of current approved CSL providers on our framework is here

3. is the mailbox which deals with brokerage for supported living services that the Council commissions.

The Council has recently gone through a re-procurement of the community supported living – open select list (CSL-OSL). This is our contractual framework to meet a variety of care and support needs, which may include an accommodation element if required. 28 providers were successful in becoming approved to deliver services under the CSLOSL. Outside of this, individuals can take their support as a personal budget and secure services via direct payment.

Approved providers deliver care and support to vulnerable people in a variety of settings (own home, family home, dedicated single or shared accommodation). Some providers deliver care and support only, some work with housing providers to meet an accommodation need if this is part of the requirement. The new contractual arrangement started 1st July 2020. The contractual period is 5 years with an option to extend up to 24 months. It is possible to re-open this opportunity to new providers during the contract term. This would usually happen if the Council was unable to meet need within a specific area or specialism. There is no subcontracting for delivering this service.

For opportunities to deliver 'community services' on behalf of the Council, a formal tender application would be required, in response to advertised opportunities. Your application would be evaluated and if successful, you may be awarded. Consider setting your organisation up on tender portals where opportunities are advertised, Lincolnshire County Council use the pro-contract tendering system. Supplier registration is via

Reference number
Date request received
13 September 2021
Date of decision
14 October 2021