Looked After Children - Sibling Groups - Find a freedom of information request


Please may you provide me with:

1. As of 3 September 2021, how many looked after children are in the care of your local authority?

2. As of 3 September 2021, how many sibling groups are in the care of your local authority?

3. What is the total number of children in the sibling groups identified in response to Q2?

4. How many sibling groups are all placed together?

5. How many children in your care, who are part of a sibling group, are not living with at least one of their siblings?

6. As of 3 September 2021, how many approved foster carers (including all approved carers) do you have?

7. As of 3 September 2021, how many of those approved foster carers do you have currently looking after children?

  • Child data includes all LAC including placements in foster care, residential, etc
  • Carer data includes all mainstream and kinship foster carers.
  • Data as of 3 September 2021 as specified on the information request.

1. 699 children.

2. 116 Sibling Groups.

3. 301 Children.

4. 58 Children.

5. 98 Children

6. 310 Carer Households.

7. 260 Carer Households.

Reference number
Date request received
03 September 2021
Date of decision
22 September 2021