Return Home Interviews - Find a freedom of information request


I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
I am writing to request information regarding your provision of Return Home Interviews and post-missing support services for children who have been reported missing.

1) Which agencies currently deliver Return Home Interviews (RHIs) to children who have been missing from home or care in your local authority area by:

a) A team based in your authority (Yes or No)
- If yes: which team and/or what is the role of the professional delivering RHIs

b) A third sector agency? (Yes or No)
- If yes, please tell us which agency?
- What is the total current value of the contract?
- What is the contract length?
- When does the current contract end?
c) Other (Yes or No)
- If yes, please tell us which team/ organisation and/or the role of the professional
- What is the total current value of the contract?
- What is the contract length?
- When does the current contract end?

2) In addition to your return home interview service, do you provide post-missing support to children who have been missing from home or care in your local authority area? Post-missing support is often intensive, 121 support with a support worker which is used to further address and reduce the risks surrounding the missing child. This could include advocacy, safety planning and other emotional/practical support sessions. (Yes or No)

3) If yes to question 2, who is your post-missing service in your local authority area delivered by?
a) A team based in your authority (Yes or No)
- If yes, please specify which team and/or what is the role of the professional delivering post-missing support

b) A third sector agency? (Yes or No)
- If yes, please tell us which agency?
- What is the total current value of the contract?
- What is the contract length?
- When does the current contract end?

c) Other (Yes or No)
- If yes, please tell us which team/ organisation and/or the role of the professional
- What is the total current value of the contract?
- What is the contract length?
- When does the current contract end?

4) How are Return Home Interviews (RHI's) and/or your post missing support service delivered in your local authority area?

a) All face-to-face support (Yes or No)
b) All telephone support (Yes or No)
c) All digital support e.g. via teams, FaceTime, WhatsApp video (Yes or No)
d) A combination of face-to-face and telephone support (Yes or No)
e) A combination of telephone and digital support (Yes or No)
f) A combination of face-to-face, telephone and digital support (Yes or No)
g) Other (please specify):

5) Does your Return Home Interview or post-missing service offer children and young people access to a freephone telephone number for out of hours support? (Yes or No)

6) If yes, who provides this freephone service?


1.(a) If the young person is open to LCC Children Services at the time of the missing incident the RHI is sent to the Children Services Lead Professional to identify which involved professional is best placed to complete the RHI with the young person, this may be LCC Children Services involved worker or professional from young person’s education provision. If the young person is not open to LCC Children Services either the young person’s education provision will be contacted to complete the RHI, or this will be completed by LCC Early Help Teams.

(b) No

(c) No

2. Yes

3.(a) Yes If the young person is open to LCC Children Services team their allocated worker and other relevant involved workers are expected to provide post missing support and missing concerns should be addressed in the young person’s multi agency plan.

(b) No

(c) No

4.(f) Yes Mainly Face to Face but on occasion telephone or digital

5. Yes Missing People Charity Telephone number is available, shared.

6. Missing People charity


Reference number
FOI 2805181
Date request received
Date of decision