Highways Report Ref. 4163969 - Find a freedom of information request


Highways Report Ref. 4163969

I recently requested that a tree on the side of the highway be inspected. The tree is a large Ash (vulnerable to die-back) and its roots have recently been severed due to deep ploughing in the adjoining field on the side that anchors the tree away from the road and against the prevailing winds.

Besides the risk of danger to users of the highway, there are two properties near the tree (my own and another) that could be damaged should the tree fall.

I understand from my conversation with your operator today that the inspection has taken place and no further action is planned at this stage.

1. I should be grateful if you would kindly send me a copy of the report and any other relevant documentation.

2. Can I also request that the tree be monitored regularly and preventative action considered (ie.canopy reduction) should there be any doubts regarding its stability/health.


1. All large trees in the area and the tree believed to be described are either on the boundary and therefore the responsibility of adjacent landowners or fully off the highway. LCC would only undertake enforcement if there was an encroachment that was a danger or nuisance to users of the highway, at current we don't believe there is any encroachment to enforce.

2. Currently our resources are such that we have to restrict our efforts to dealing with encroachments that are considered a significant danger or nuisance to users of the highway. In this instance we do not intend to take any immediate action, however we will continue to monitor the site as part of our routine inspections of the highway and will review the situation as necessary.

Reference number
Date request received
27 August 2021
Date of decision
17 September 2021