Auditory Processing Disorder Policy - Find a freedom of information request


I am now making a formal request for the following information according to the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would like to receive this information via email within the statutory limit of 20 working days. I would be grateful if you could answer the following questions.

1. Do you have a policy supporting APD? If so, could you please refer us to it on your website, or send us a copy.

2. Do you have a Sensory Support team, Hearing Impaired/HI team or Teacher of the Deaf, or equivalent?

3. If so, do they follow NatSIP guidelines regarding the support of APD within the school setting?

4. When recommendations are made by a professional for a learner with APD, do you provide and support any recommended equipment, e.g., FM systems?

5. Would the LA expect the educational setting to provide and support FM systems? If so, how?

6. Would you like to consider adding APD Support UK to your local offer?


I look forward to hearing from you. Under new GDPR legislation, you have the right to choose whether to be included on our list of supportive local authorities. Please inform us should you wish to be included. If I do not receive confirmation of this, I will assume that you do not support APD, or you do not wish to be included.


1. The authority does not have an Auditory Processing Disorder policy. However we do have knowledge in the Sensory Education and Support Team of APD. A commissioned service, Lincolnshire Sensory Services, provides small equipment and support for children and young people with APD.

2. Yes the Sensory Education and Support Team which includes Teachers of the Deaf, Visually Impaired and Multi-sensory Impaired.

3. Yes we use the NatSIP guidelines to inform decisions re: support levels for children and young people.

4. If the child or young person has an Education, Health, and Care (EHC) plan the authority is responsible for all support and equipment listed in Section F of the plan. This may be provided by settings, by health, or by social care. If the child or young person does not have an EHC plan, Lincolnshire Sensory Services (LSS) will support with APD if they meet the service criteria.

5. Settings have notional funding to support Special Educational Needs within the graduated approach. If a child needs support above and beyond this, an EHC plan will describe the support and equipment needed by the child and this will be funded from the authority's High Needs Budget. LSS is a commissioned service which is funded from Adult Social Care budget and the Designated Schools Budget jointly as LSS support people of all ages.

6. Yes LCC are happy to consider this.

Reference number
Date request received
26 August 2021
Date of decision
08 September 2021