Stamford North Development - Find a freedom of information request


As a resident concerned about the traffic impact of the proposed Stamford North Development upon neighbouring Casterton Road and residential streets I request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act:

1. Detailed timeline for the production, consultation and approval of the new Local Transport Plan (2023/4 onwards)

2. A list of source reports or assessments that will be produced to inform the Local Transport Plan

3. Confirm or deny if a draft of the Local Transport Plan and/or any of its source reports/assessments exist

4. Provide copies of any draft versions of the Local Transport Plan and/or any of its source reports/assessments as per Q3.


The Local Transport Plan is currently in development and it is planned to go out to statutory consultation early in October this year, details of it and how you can respond to the consultation will be available on the Council's website soon. There will also be press notification and notices on social media.

As part of the consultation process the background papers and evidence base will be made available on the website for full perusal and comment. Given the nature of your request I would also refer you to the South Kesteven Local Plan. Stamford North was allocated as a potential housing development in the South Kesteven Local Plan 2018. The Local Plan process, Inquiry and results are available on South Kesteven's website. In particular you may wish to follow this link to all the documents Examined as part of the Local Plan process:

South Kesteven Local Plan Submission - Examination Library (January 2019)

On the above page are several documents regarding Stamford North and the general traffic impact. The Local Plan considers developments at a strategic level. Any planning application for Stamford North will be required to be supported by a Transport Assessment which will address in detail the traffic impact of the proposals and any necessary mitigation, at this stage no planning application has been submitted for Stamford North.

Reference number
Date request received
24 August 2021
Date of decision
14 September 2021