Pupil premium (PP) eligible Vs non pupil premium eligible. - Find a freedom of information request


I would like to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act.

Please can all of the following questions be broken down by academic year from 2014/2015 to today.

1. Of those appeals submitted against education, health and care plans, please can I have a breakdown of how many were pupil premium (PP) eligible vs non pupil premium eligible.

2. Of those appeals submitted against education, health and care plans that continued to a tribunal, please can I have a breakdown of how many were pupil premium eligible vs non pupil premium eligible re the children involved. Please can this be broken down by academic year from 2014/2015 to today.

3. Of the tribunal hearings that were in the parents' / appellant's favour, how many were PP vs non-PP of the children involved?

4. Of the tribunal hearings that were in the council's favour, how many were PP vs non PP re the children involved?

5. Of any other outcomes (please state the outcome) how many were PP vs non PP?


2014/2015 – No data recorded for this year.

April 2016 to September 2016

1. No pupil premium – 13. Yes pupil premium – 12. Pupil premium eligibility unknown - One.

2. No pupil premium – Three. Yes Pupil premium – Six.

3. No pupil premium – Two. Yes pupil premium - One.

4. No pupil premium – Zero. Yes pupil premium – One.

5. Agreement reached at hearing and consent order agreed. No pupil premium – One. Yes pupil premium – Three Struck out by tribunal. Yes pupil premium – One.

September 2016 to August 2017

1. No pupil premium – 10. Yes pupil premium – 16. Unknown - Three.

2. No pupil premium – Three. Yes pupil premium – Three.

3. No pupil premium – Zero. Yes pupil premium – One.

4. No pupil premium – Three. Yes pupil premium - One.

5. Consent order at final hearing. No pupil premium - Zero. Yes pupil premium – One.

September 2017 to September 2018

1. No pupil premium – 13. Yes pupil premium – 10.

2. No pupil premium - Eight. Yes pupil premium - Four.

3. No pupil premium - Two Yes. Pupil premium – One.

4. No pupil premium – Four Yes. pupil premium - One.

5. Resolved by consent order at final hearing. No pupil premium – Two. Yes pupil premium - Two.

September 2018 to September 2019

1. Yes pupil premium – 15. No pupil premium – 14.

2. Yes pupil premium – Two. No pupil premium - Zero.

3. Yes pupil premium - Two. No pupil premium – Zero.

4. Yes pupil premium – Zero. No pupil premium - Zero.

5. Zero.

September 2019 to September 2020

1. Yes pupil premium – 24. No pupil premium – 17. Unknown - Four.

2. Yes pupil premium – Seven. No pupil premium – Four.

3. Yes pupil premium – Three. No pupil premium - Two.

4. Yes pupil premium – Three. No pupil premium – One.

5. Resolved at final hearing by consent order. Yes pupil premium - One. No pupil premium – One.

September 2020 to September 2021

1. Yes pupil premium – 23. No pupil premium – 33. Unknown – Five.

2. Yes pupil premium – Seven. No pupil premium - 13.

3. Yes pupil premium – One. No pupil premium - Five.

4. Yes pupil premium – Four. No pupil premium - Five.

5. Consent order reached at final hearing. Yes pupil premium – One. No pupil premium – Two. LA concede at Final Hearing .Yes pupil premium – Zero. No pupil premium – One. Appeal struck out by Tribunal due to non-engagement. Yes pupil premium – One. No pupil premium – Zero.

September 2021 to current

1. Yes pupil premium – Seven. No pupil premium – Six.

2. All still ongoing – have not reached tribunal hearing.

3. All still ongoing – have not reached tribunal hearing.

4. All still ongoing – have not reached tribunal hearing.

5. All still ongoing – heave not reached tribunal hearing.

Reference number
Date request received
16 December 2021
Date of decision
11 January 2022