Parent and Child Placements - Find a freedom of information request


I am sending you this email to request some information under the Freedom of Information Act to support our research whilst we consider expansion of our business. Can you advise the following:

1. How many Mother and Baby placements have been required in the last 12 months.

2. How many of these went to a Family Assessment Unit?

3. How many went to Foster P&C placement, how any went to an IFA

4. How many were placed in a Residential M&B Provision

5. If any how many were placed in an unregulated provision

6. How many of these placements were placed within the county and outside of the county.

7. For those placed outside of the county how far from their home address were they placed and for how long were they in placement.

8. How many of these were placed with a weekly cost above £3,500.


1. 17 parent and child placements were referred to Children's Commissioning LCC Placement's Team in the last 12 months. Of those 17 referrals, 11 resulted in spot purchase independent placements.

2. None

3. 9 young people were placed in an Independent Foster Agency parent & child placement.

4. 2 young people were placed in a Residential parent & child placement

5. As per the response to Q1, 6 young people aged 16-21 years were placed in LCC's unregulated Youth Housing Service.

6. Geographically, 2 young people were placed in Lincolnshire and 9 outside of Lincolnshire in spot purchase independent placements. All 6 young people in unregulated placements were placed in Lincolnshire through the Youth Housing Service.

7. Geographically, 2 young people were placed in Lincolnshire and 9 outside of Lincolnshire in spot purchase independent placements. All 6 young people in unregulated placements were placed in Lincolnshire through the Youth Housing Service.

8. Two of the aforementioned placements (but both for the same parent and child) were placed with a weekly cost above £3,500.

Reference number
Date request received
13 August 2021
Date of decision
27 August 2021