Surface Dressing Works - Sunningdale, Grantham - Find a freedom of information request


Please provide the cost of the surface dressing works that were undertaken in the Sunningdale Area of Grantham over the weekend of 18 April 2021.

Please show council costs and the costs paid to the contractor separately.


Regarding the surface dressing works completed on the Sunningdale Estate, Grantham:

17 sites were completed, with a total cumulative cost of £37,596.45 this includes the surface dressing & re-instatement of any road markings if applicable.

Lincolnshire County Council does not separate costs to specific schemes; but applies a staff cost of 4.61% across the surface dressing works i.e. for the above 17 sites this would be £1733.20p.

Reference number
Date request received
16 July 2021
Date of decision
23 July 2021