Section 47 Referrals - Find a freedom of information request


This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

1. Please can you tell me how many Section 47 referrals the council in each year over the past five years (Apr-Mar for each year).

If possible, please can you include a summary of the child's condition and the outcome for each case e.g. the child was placed in care, the child returned home but with support from social services.

2. Please can you also tell me the number of children on a Child In Need or Child Protection Plan over the same five years and how many children have been in care for same time period?




Year No. Concerns Not Substantiated Initial Child Protection Conference Ongoing Risk (Child In Need)
2016/17 1845   not available 678 not available
2017/18 1770 430 514 826
2018/19 1339 312 476 551
2019/20 1538 286 509 743
2020/21 1480 411 501 568

Based upon the Outcomes for the individual S47 Enquiries.



Year Children In Need Child Protection Plans Children In Care
2016/17 4293 370 625
2017/18 3449 299 654
2018/19 3556 303 611
2019/20 3262 354 622
2020/21 3192 372 680


This represents the number of children as at 31 March of each reporting year. Children In Need includes Children with a Child Protection Plan and Children in Care.


Reference number
Date request received
13 July 2021
Date of decision
22 July 2021