Record Retention for Pothole Claims - Find a freedom of information request


1. Can you under this request please state the length of time the council have to legally keep records for, on claims against them for negligence in relation to pothole claims?

2. How far back do records go that will demonstrate, type of claim, part claimed for and cost of invoice for repair?

3. Information given to claimant on council's belief into lifespan of part for betterment reduction claims by the Council.


The Council's retention schedule requires that records relating to claims made in respect of damage to vehicles caused by defects on the highway are kept for a period of 6 years following closure of the claim. The Council does not record data that enables it to reasonably identify the total number of claims made in relation to specific vehicle parts.

Reference number
Date request received
09 July 2021
Date of decision
21 July 2021