Photographic Evidence of Home Education - Find a freedom of information request


1. Does your local authority routinely request parents/guardians of electively home educated children to supply photographic images of

a. Their home educated child/ren engaging in educational activities?

b. Their home-educated child(ren)s educational work?

c. Any other images (eg images of bookshelves/certificates/awards etc)?

d. As part of your routine contact /duties with electively home-educating families in your area?


2. If this is not a routine request, but your elective home education team does on occasion request any of the photographic images outlined above, please advise under what circumstances you would request said images from parents.


3. If your local authority has ever requested or received photographic images from electively home educating families please advise -

a. Where these images are stored?

b. In what format they are stored?

c. What members of staff have access to said images?

d. Whether anyone with access to these images, has ever shared any of the said images, supplied from any electively home educating family, to anyone outside of the immediate local authority elective home education team? If so, to whom were images shared and for what purpose?

e. How long you store said images for?


4. If and when you dispose of any photographic images that electively home educating families have supplied to your local authority, please explain your time frame for doing this and your process for doing so.


5. If you hold photographic images of any of your electively home-educated children whether supplied by parents voluntarily , or requested by your department, do you supply guidance for parents on

a. Where these images are stored?

b. In what format they are stored?

c. What members of staff have access to said images?

d. How long you keep said images for?

e. How they can go about requesting to have said photographic images permanently deleted?


1. Not routinely.


2. This is not requested, but given as a suggestion of how parent can demonstrate the education they are providing to their child. The suggestion refers to photos of child's work, not child.


3. a. On the LCC secure child data system.

b. Attached email.

c. All officers who have accessed to Mosaic unless restricted. Policy to viewing cases applies.

d. No.

e. Until child is 25 years old.


4. This is within the retention and disposal policy on the website.


5. a. No.

b. No.

c. No.

d. Covered by the council's retention and disposal policy.

e. No.

Reference number
Date request received
05 July 2021
Date of decision
19 July 2021