Brayford Wharf East Spend - Find a freedom of information request


Brayford Wharf East recently reopened following a year-long trial:

1. Under the Freedom of Information Act, please can I request a breakdown of how the £105,500 funding Lincolnshire County Council received was spent on the project please?

2. Please break this down into what the money was spent on and how much was spent on it.

3. Please can you also provide details of any extra funding which was used to "top-up" or supplement the spend and the project and where that funding came from (Lincolnshire County Council coffers or other external funding? If the latter, what funding was used).


1. Please see below, £105,000 was for Tranche one of the Emergency Active Travel Fund for Lincolnshire, Brayford Wharf East and Wigford Way interventions through provision of cycle lanes and associated traffic management was one of a package of scheme covered by the fund. Please note that as the closure of Brayford Wharf East to through traffic and the temporary cycle lane on Wigford Way were delivered as a single scheme, the costs below are associated with both.

2. £6559 is the Cost of barriers. £22,755.88 is the Contractors' cost for set up, removal and ongoing maintenance of Traffic Management. £29314.88 is the Total Cost.

3. There was no extra funding used to “top up” or supplement the spend of the project.

Reference number
Date request received
29 November 2021
Date of decision
6 January 2022