Staff voluntary redundancy or early retirement - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many employees, including school staff, have taken voluntary redundancy or early retirement since the beginning of 2015 to 2016?

2. What has been the total cost to the council of these voluntary retirements and early redundancies?

3. How many of these staff have been re-employed by the council since departing, whether on a temporary, part-time or full-time capacity?

4. How many of these staff have been re-employed on a:

a. Full-time basis.

b. Part-time basis.

c. Temporary basis.


1. 406.

2. £3,575,265.53.

3. 37.


a. 11.

b. 26.

c. Eight.

Of the above most returned on a temporary/relief basis in order to cover staffing needs. Only 12 staff returned on a permanent basis most many months or years after being made redundant in different roles to their original post.

Reference number
Date request received
3 December 2021
Date of decision
5 January 2022