Senior Information Risk Owner Lincolnshire Fire Service - Find a freedom of information request


Information for Lincolnshire Fire Service only please:

1. Name of SIRO/senior information risk owner, or equivalent. A name and job title, or if they are below the disclosable level just a job title is fine. If you do not have a nominated SIRO could you please answer question 1 with the person(s) with responsibilities equivalent to a SIRO. ' A Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO) is an executive Director or member of the senior Management Board of an organization with overall responsibility for an organization's information risk policy. The SIRO is accountable and responsible for information risk across the organization. They ensure that everyone is aware of their personal responsibility to exercise good judgement, and to safeguard and share information appropriately'


2. Contact email for Question 1


3. Name of data protection Officer


4. Contact email for DPO.


5. Do you have Information Asset owners appointed?


6. Who would be responsible for organizing training IAO's (if appointed)


The SIRO and DPO are for the whole of LCC but the below information is inclusive of LFR:

1. SIRO Andrew Crookham - Executive Director Resources




3. DPO Rebecca Bray - Data Protection Officer




5. Yes we have asset owners appointed across the organisation (including LFR)


6. Training and support is provided by the DPO and Information Assurance Team to all asset owners

Reference number
Date request received
05 May 2021
Date of decision
21 June 2021