Residential Care Placements - Find a freedom of information request


I have a few queries regarding Residential Care placements of young people between the ages of 7-17 in Lincolnshire:

1. Are you a member of a DPS framework or regional system for the procurement of Residential Care placements of young people between the ages of 7-17?

2. Who is the point of contact in your commissioning team in respect of placements for children going into residential care between the ages of 7-17?

3. What website is your tendering process hosted on?


1. No. Lincolnshire County Council operates an Open Select List (OSL) system whereby pre-approved providers are able to access, first, placement opportunities through the means of a mini-competition. Details are then distributed via email to providers on the OSL after any appropriate filters have been applied e.g. age range, location, gender specific, needs etc.


3. will be where the re-opening of the OSL (due Summer 2021) will be advertised. Mini-competitions are then conducted via email with relevant providers on the OSL.

Reference number
Date request received
19 May 2021
Date of decision
26 May 2021