School Expenditure on Reading Materials - Find a freedom of information request


What is the total Money spent by all schools on reading books and other educative reading materials for the past five years?

Period Total Expenditure Number of Different Schools
2016-2017 481,750.13 201
2017-2018 346,164.94 172
2018-2019 245,737.83 156
2019-2020 302,075.44 146
2020-2021 310,528.22 138
Total 1,686,256.56  

The above expenditure figures reflect only maintained schools that in the relevant financial year used LCC's accounting system. There are also a number of Prime Account schools, which increased in 2017/18, but we only hold their expenditure at CFR (Consistent Financial Reporting) level and cannot therefore provide the information for those schools. There have also been a number of academy conversions over the five years which has reduced expenditure in accounts further. Therefore we have also included an additional column which shows the number of maintained schools the expenditure relates to for each financial year.

Reference number
Date request received
26 May 2021
Date of decision
21 June 2021