Public Toilet Changes and Closures 2018 - 2020 - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many public toilets do you currently maintain?

2. Please list for 2020 how many council-maintained public toilets were changed from female or male toilets to gender-neutral toilets?

3. Please list this for 2019, and 2018.

4. How many council-maintained public toilets were closed in 2020?

5. Please list this for 2019 and 2018.


1. 4

2. None.

3. LCC maintained 5 in 2019 and 2018 and none were gender neutral

4. None

5. One


Information provided by Countryside Services who manage the few public toilets that LCC have responsibility for (usually at coastal locations). Public toilets generally are managed by the districts and city councils.

Reference number
Date request received
30 April 2021
Date of decision
18 May 2021