Permit Scheme - Household Waste Recycling Scheme - Find a freedom of information request


I wish to challenge the Council regarding a recently introduced policy which may be discriminatory in restricting access to a Council service. I hope that you may be able to provide information relevant to this challenge.

First of all, please can you provide an update on my previous request (reference FSE000363) as nothing has been heard since I received an automated acknowledgement on 7th April. The text contained in this acknowledgement stated that I would be contacted within one working day.

In addition to my previous request, please provide details of any equality impact assessment carried out by the Council prior to implementing the permit scheme which now controls access to the Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC) by van. The evidence which must be provided in order to obtain a van permit prevents residents from making use of hired vehicles to visit the HWRC sites. This exclusion has been confirmed by the Council's contact centre.

Further, please describe what consideration was given to rules, obligations or guidance imposed on or provided to the Council concerning the promotion of alternatives to private vehicle ownership in Lincolnshire.

My concerns in view of this exclusion are as follows:

1) The exclusion unfairly discriminates against residents who (by choice or otherwise) have no access to a private vehicle. Because Lincolnshire also declines to issue permits for roadside placement of 'Hippo' waste bags, householders without access to vehicle are placed in an impossible position.

2) The failure of the council to provide access using hired vehicles may have an unequal impact on different sections of the community based on ethnicity or household income. I would expect this to be examined as part of an equality impact assessment. Again, households with no private driveway have fewer options - with an obvious higher impact on certain demographic groups.

3) As with my previous request, I consider this enquiry to fall within the remit of the Environmental Information Regulations, specifically owing to anecdotal reports seen via social media of increased fly tipping of larger items (mattresses, furniture) in our area.

4) It is notable that Lincolnshire's policy clearly differs from that of neighbouring Nottinghamshire whose access provision is described online at The Notts approach is inclusive, with specific measures in place to allow hired vehicles (as well as pedestrians and cycles, which are also not considered within the Lincolnshire HWRC access procedures).

5) It is a key responsibility of a pubic authority to encourage the use of active and environmentally friendly transport choices where possible. By requiring access to a privately owned vehicle, the Council actively works against this principle. This has a knock-on effect on both traffic levels and obstruction of our roads and footpaths by parked vehicles, particularly in the urban environment.


An equality impact assessment is not available for the policy.

However trials of allowing Hire vans have been in place and a process will soon be available to allow hire vehicle easy access to the HWRC

Reference number
Date request received
16 April 2021
Date of decision
26 April 2021