Dropped Curb Applications - Naam Place/Grove - Find a freedom of information request


Please provide me with information of applications for driveways on Naam Place and Naam Grove whereby householders have applied for dropped kerbs to allow vehicular access.

These applications may have come from home owners who reside on Rasen Lane, Lincoln, as their houses back onto Naam place and or Naam Grove.

To clarify the driveway accesses are on Naam Place (the part of the road that is a service road directly outside the Naam Grove flats). The driveways are at the rear of the following properties: 76 Rasen Lane, Lincoln; 78 Rasen Lane; 80 Rasen Lane; 82 Rasen Lane and 10 Naam Place.

82 Rasen Lane might not be applicable but the following property was built on land from 82 Rasen Lane; namely 10 Naam Place, LN1 3LA. So essentially I am interested to learn if any of those properties applied for driveway access and if it was granted or not, and whom was paid for this service if it did take place, i.e. did any resident pay an administration fee or driveway fee to obtain permission to build driveways on a service road that serves the flats.

Another way of locating the area is imagine that you are at the gates of the Museum of Lincolnshire life. Walk directly across Burton Road and into Naam Place, Naam Place goes off to the right towards Rasen Lane, and also to the left to a service road near the flats. It is specifically this left hand route that my enquiry relates to.

So if you look up 11 Naam Grove, LN1 3NL on the map software you will see the service road. Now look in the direction of the flat towards the Cathedral, the service road is just outside number 11, which if I am correct is a road adopted by the LCC from COLC around 2009.


I have established that the information you have requested is not held by Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) and as a result we are unable to provide any detail.

According to LCC's maps, the accesses to the rear of 76-82 are located from City of Lincoln Council amenity land. It is noted the accesses look quite old so LCC can assume that they are historic and were granted a long time ago.

Lincolnshire County Council have no records in the past six years of any new requests for accesses here.

For information, Lincolnshire County Council only maintain the carriageway and footway on Naam Place.

I would therefore suggest you contact the City of Lincoln Council and they may be able to advise further at:

  • legal@lincoln.gov.uk
Reference number
Date request received
16 April 2021
Date of decision
21 April 2021